An optimal swift key generation and distribution for QKD
Secured transmission between users is essential for communication system models. Recently, cryptographic schemes were introduced for secured transmission and secret transmission between cloud users. In a cloud environment, there are many security issues that occur among the cloud users such as, account hacking, data breaches, broken authentication, compromised credentials, and so on. Quantum mechanics has been implemented in cryptography that made it efficient for strong security concerns over outsourced data in a cloud environment. Therefore, the present research focuses on providing excellent security for cloud users utilizing a swift key generation model for QKD cryptography. The Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an entirely secure scheme known as Cloud QKDP. Initially, a random bit sequence is generated to synchronize the channel. An eavesdropper will not permit to synchronize parameters between them. In this key reconciliation technique, the random bit sequence is concatenated with the photon polarisation state. BB84 protocol is improved by optimizing its bit size using FireFly Optimization (FFO) at the compatibility state, and in the next state, both transmitter and receiver generate a raw key. Once the key is generated, it is then used for the transmission of messages between cloud users. Furthermore, a Python environment is utilized to execute the proposed architecture, and the accuracy rate of the proposed model attained 98 %, and the error rate is 2 %. This proves the performance of the proposed firefly optimization algorithm based swift key generation model for QKD performs better than previous algorithms.
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